November 2022


Minutes for Meeting held Tuesday 15th November at 7.00pm in Heydour Parish Hall


Councillors present: Cllrs. Ballaam, Kennedy, Peace (Chair), Smallwood, Taylor, and Turner.

In attendance: C. Cllr Hill, D. Cllr Trotter, Parish Clerk Boden and three members of the public.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Following a collection taken up by all Cllrs, former Cllr Neville was presented with flowers and a cookery book as a token of thanks for her arduous work within the Council. 



22135. To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hill. No report.

Report from D. Cllr Trotter – SKDC have updated the online hub to give targeted help. Cllr Trotter will email information that can then be updated to the PC website. SKDC are looking at recruiting new apprentices so if anybody knows someone who may be interested then please pass the information across. ‘Homes for Ukraine’ have had 159 home visits and another seven appointments are booked.

The is a new police team and it is hoped that there will be team meetings for each SKDC ward. (Contact details at the end of the minutes).

It was commented that a number of Land Rover events had been held/ were being advertised to be held at Nightingale Woods. Advice was given to put in an objection with as much evidence as the PC held. Cllr Smallwood will investigate.

The road around the Anglian Water site is covered in mud, especially with the rain. It has been reported to LCC Highways on ‘Fix my Street’ and a road sweeper has cleaned the area, but it is already muddy again.

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public.



22136. Apologies for Absence. No apologies given.

22137. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest. No Declarations of Pecuniary Interest were given.

22138. Approval of Clerks Notes – Tuesday 27th September 2022. It was resolved to approve the clerk’s notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 27th September 2022 and for the Chair to sign.

22139. Finance: 

a) To receive the clerk's report on payments between meetings

Invoice Date



Bank balance C/F



BDG Mowing (2122)




Brooks Building Services (BD598)


Cheque No: 335



LALC Training (LALC AGM)




BDG Mowing (2179)




R. Boden (Month 7)



It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on the payments between meetings.

b) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.

c) To review and consider budget (6 month). It was resolved to accept the figures of the budget (6 month), that the clerk had previously sent to Cllrs.


22140. To discuss any projects that will be needed to be included in the precept setting for next year. The area from Oasby bus shelter towards the Village Sign is an area that has been discussed on a number of occasions. It was discussed as to what work would need to be conducted and a mix of Cllrs and volunteers are happy to conduct the work. A £100 to be written into the budget for next year to cover bulbs or equipment needed.

22141. To consider the celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles 6th May 2023. It was resolved to contact the Village Hall and invite them to the next meeting to discuss working together to host a celebration for the Coronation of King Charles on the 6th of May 2023. The clerk will apply for a grant from the National Lottery.

22142. To discuss the elections for 4th May 2023. Parish Council elections will be held on the 4th of May 2023. The clerk is allowed to collect and deposit paperwork with SKDC but is not allowed to help with completing any of the forms. Forms are expected to be available at the start of next year.

22143. To discuss the Traffic Regulations Order connected with Mill Lane. After discussion it was resolved to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order, with a weight limit of 7.5t, to both ends of Mill Lane and Ancaster Lane. C. Cllr Hill will support the PC through the process.

22144. To review and accept Civility and Respect Pledge adopted by LALC. It was resolved to accept the Civility and Respect Pledge.

22145. To consider the options of the tidying of the Beck in Oasby. The clerk explained that she had been informed by SKDC that the Big Clean group do not cover watercourses, even though the Beck has been cleared before by them. The clerk will inspect the Beck and report back to Council.

22146. To review and accept the quotes of uplifting/ trimming the trees around the playground. After discussion, the Parish Council resolved to accept the quote from Simpsons Arboriculture.

22147. Planning matters: 

a) New – To discuss the planning applications received from SKDC

Planning reference




S22/2122 (Bell)

Beck Cottage, Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB

Installation of the following items in the front garden: greenhouse, swim spa with covered pergola over.

It was resolved to resend the previous comments by the PC.


S22/1847 (Anglian Water)

Pipeline between Ancaster and Bexwell, Norfolk.

Section 73 application to vary condition 13 (construction working hours)

It was resolved to send ‘No Comment.’

b) Current

S22/01660 (Smallwood) – Box Cottage, Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NA - Approved.

22148. Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 10th January at 7.00pm


Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

22149. To review the NALC, pay awards accepted for financial year 2022-23. It was resolved to accept the NALC pay award for financial year 2022-23

The meeting finished at 8.28pm


Police Contact Details

The new team consists of:-


Area Inspector for Grantham Town/area

Chief Inspector based in Grantham

Chief Superintendent – based at South Park, Lincoln


Planning Application: S22/2122. Beck Cottage, Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB

Heydour with Aisby and Oasby Parish Council held a public meeting on Tuesday 15th November to consider the above application. The Council would like to comment as below:

The application site is within Oasby Conservation Area, which was listed in 1982 in order to protect the areas Heritage Sites and has several Listed Buildings and Buildings of Merit.

No Heritage Impact Assessment has been submitted with this application. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) at paragraph 189 states Local Planning Authorities should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected. The level of detail should be proportionate to the assets' importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance. As a minimum the relevant historic environment record should have been consulted and the heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise where necessary. Local planning authorities should identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting the setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence and any necessary expertise. They should take this assessment into account when considering the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset's conservation and any aspect of the proposal. Significance can be harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting. As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification.

The Local Planning Authority also has a duty under the Planning (Local Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to reserve or enhance the character and appearance of a Conservation Area (s.72) and preserve the setting of a Listed Buildings (s.66). South Kesteven Local Plan Policy DE1 (Promoting Good Quality Design) of the adopted Local Plan states that to ensure high quality design is achieved throughout the District, all development proposals will be expected to make a positive contribution to local distinctiveness vernacular and character of the area. Proposals should reinforce local identity and not have an adverse impact on the street scene, settlement pattern or the landscape / townscape character of the surrounding area. Proposals should be of an appropriate scale, density, massing, height, and material, given the context of the area.

South Kesteven Local Plan Policy EN6 (The Historic Environment) states development that is likely to cause harm to the significance of a heritage asset or its setting will only be granted permission where the public benefits of the proposal outweigh the potential harm.” Substantial harm or total loss will be resisted.

The proposal does not meet these criteria due to the:

• The loss of the verdant and open feel to the area due to the height of the fence and gate

• Built form dominant.

• Height of the pergola showing above the fence line.

• Plastic roof on the pergola.

• Plastic roof on the greenhouse

• Does not reflect the small scale and modest height of the nearby listed building and farmsteads.

It was felt by Heydour Parish Council the application is not sympathetic towards the village of Oasby and the village street scene will be adversely affected and changed. They are also concerned over the noise of the running of the swim spa if it is being used in the evening and they would like more information as to where the contents of the swim spa will be discharged due to the chemicals and the nearby watercourse.