
Clerks notes of the Heydour with Aisby and Oasby Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 6.30pm.
Cllr Peace declared the meeting open at 6.30pm
There was one member of the public in attendance at the meeting.
Public Forum:
No items were brought forward for discussion
Agenda Items:
All Councillors were given a copy of the Good Councillors Guide for reference.
1.    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
None received

2.    Apologies for Absence
None received

3.    Approval of Clerks Notes – Tuesday 12th November 2019 (circulated)
Approved as minutes and signed by the Chair

4.    Updates from County and District Councillors
None received

5.    Planning matters
•      S19/1631 – Oasby Lodge – Planning permission granted
•      S19/1939 – Oasby House – No objections raised
•      S19/1940 – Oasby House – No objections raised
The process by which the Council review and agree comment was raised.  Cllr Peace stated that whenever practicable, the council will meet to discuss applications
6.    Final review and approval of Asset Register
The final version of the Asset register was reviewed and agreed.  Signed by Chair.  Clerk agreed to post on the parish council website

Cllr Trotter (SKDC) arrived at the meeting.  
Cllr Trotter informed Council about the grant funding that she has remaining to allocate to communities. Following discussion of a number of suggestions, it was agreed that the Clerk would complete the forms for a grant of £150.00 for more bins and possible signage for dog walkers to dispose of waste material.

7.    Clerks Update.  To include:
a.    Finance update (cheques to be paid)
The following cheques were approved for payment:
13th January 2020    297    HMRC        £45.00
13th January 2020    298    W E Moore    £179.40
13th January 2020    299    Viking Direct    £34.12
13th January 2020    300    LALC        £28.73
13th January 2020    301    Heydour VH    £350.00

b.    Review of Budget forecast 2020/21
Council reviewed the draft budget as presented by the RFO and approved.

c.    Precept 2020/21 setting
Following the review and approval of the draft budget for 2020/21, it was agreed that the precept would remain at £5000 for the financial year 2020/21

d.    Correspondence received 
The Clerk brought to the attention of the council, the LALC training scheme for the coming year.  The Chair recommended that new Councillors attend the training and any others which may be of interest.  Clerk agreed to send around the training programme.

The Clerk has received a donation request from the Village Hall Committee.  The Committee are requesting an emergency donation due to a large unexpected invoice from SKDC.  The amount requested is £350.  Following discussion, the donation was agreed.  RFO to include in payments schedule at 7a.

PCSO Stuart Bowden arrived at the meeting and gave a short update of local matters.  Including the recent burglaries that have taken place in the parish.  It was noted that allnon emergency crime should be reported via 101, but crimes in progress and emergencies; 999

8.    Possible Purchase of bins for the Parish
Item discussed with Cllr Trotter (SKDC) earlier in the meeting

9.    Update on telephone box(es)
Nothing further to update

10.    Flooding/Emergency Planning update (info circulated)
Information had been circulated by the Clerk regarding Emergency Planning,  Council discussed how high any risk may be.  It was noted that there had been some problems recently with flooding.
It was agreed that the Clerk would invite Steve Harris from LCC Emergency Planning to the Annual Meeting in May to deliver a short presentation on the subject.  Clerk to invite

11.    Refurbishment of Bus Shelters/Playground gates
The recent quote received for the above works was approved.  

12.    Date and Time of Next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 6.30pm

The Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Meeting will be held on Monday 4th May 2020 at 6pm.  Clerk to request booking at VH