
Monday 24th August 2020, via zoom.  6pm 
In attendance: Cllrs Peace, Neville, Kennedy, Turner, Taylor
Present: 1 member of the public
1.    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Received from Cllrs Taylor and Neville with regards to planning applications S20/1202 and S20/1203

2.    Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Cllr Ballaam – accepted

3.    Planning matters
a.    S20/1202 – Oasby House
b.    S20/1203 – Oasby House
The above is for planned works at Oasby house.  Whilst the parish council do not have any objections to the two planning applications, they are mindful that there are a number of trees (hedge) that will need to be felled or removed.  The house concerned is within a conservation area and the hedge concerned is approx. 5/6ft tall.  In addition, the property is Grade 2 listed. 
The council commented that the proposed works seem to be in keeping with the area and are sympathetic.  In addition, the works do not seem to have any effect on neighbouring properties.

c.    S20/1228 - Cheery Tree removal Oasby
Whilst the council have no objections, the ownership of the tree in question has been a matter for discussion previously.  Council would urge confirmation of ownership
d.    S20/0743 – Decision notice
Whilst the council have submitted comments regarding the development, they are mindful that the business concerned remains for private purposes only.

In addition to the above, council is also be mindful of the impact that the activity has on the current drainage system

4.    Flooding in Aisby
Cllr Taylor reported that attempts to contact with the drainage board(s) have been unsuccessful to date.  Cllr Taylor will persist.
It was reported that the emergency telephone number for flooding concerns has been passed to resident(s) and they are urged to use this
More information has been gathered regarding the system of drains within the parish from various parishioners and there is now a greater understanding about this.
Cllr Taylor identified two main issues at present:
•    How to ensure that owners of drains etc, do maintain and repair them when needed
•    Swage running into drainage system
It was noted that water quality tests are carried out regularly by the drainage boards and that any issues may be evident in the outcome of tests.
Cllr Taylor reported that there would appear to be three main questions to resolve:
•    Can we request that at the time of testing water quality, would it be possible to contact either Cllr Taylor or Cllr Peace?
•    Is there a method of escalating concerns?
•    Who is responsible for the drain in question and its repair? (contamination and surplus water)
It was agreed that the parish council would write to the following to express concerns:  Drainage boards, Cllr Hill (LCC), Cllr Trotter (SKDC), SKDC Environmental health department, our local MP.  Cllr Peace to draft letter and circulate.
Further discussion will take place with residents about the situation.
Cllr Taylor reported that the next step for the Ditches and Dykes committee of the council was to identify responsibilities going forward
Cllr Peace urged councillors to consider future action regarding this matter for discussion at future meetings
5.    Date and Time of Next meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 6pm via Zoom – invitations will be sent nearer o the time