April 2021


Tuesday 13th April 2021 via Zoom at 6.30pm.


In attendance: Cllrs Peace, Ballaam, Taylor, Turner, Kennedy, Neville

Present: Parish Clerk, 3 members of the public, including PennyC, Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC)

Public Forum:

The Chair expressed his sincere condolences and that of the council to HRH the Queen and her family on the loss of HRH Prince Phillip.

The Parish Council have made amendments to the website accordingly.

PennyC asked if the Parish Council would be making any comments regarding the planning application S21/0480. And asked if the Parish Council would be submitting an objection.

A member of the public suggested that he had no objections to the redevelopment of the site, however felt that the plans were not sympathetic to the local environment. The aspects of the plans as follows:  the garage block is an exceptionally large block; drainage is likely to be an issue as there will be drainage to what is currently a soak away. It was noted that there does not seem to be any mention of this within the application. Plus, this is a conservation area.

Cllr Neville suggested if it was possible to insist on works traffic to park off the road.

Cllr Taylor suggested we submit the recent photograph of flooding along with the comments.

A member of the public agreed with other comments and stressed that the development would create a dangerous access for residents of the houses and construction traffic because of the blind bend.

Concern was raised about drainage as the site is adjacent to the Beck – there appears to be little reference to how they will deal with additional need.

The Chair stated that the parish council will agree to objections and submit to SKDC by the deadline stated. Parish Clerk agreed to forward a copy of the comment to three members of the public that have made representation to the parish council.

PennyC stated that there was a lot of public feeling regarding this planning application and that the site deserves something ‘nice.’

No further comment from members of the public

Parish Clerk to forward comment.

Declarations of pecuniary interest:

Cllr Turner declared an interest in item Planning – S21/0480

Apologies for absence:

None received.

Approval of Clerks Notes 9th March (circulated)

Clerk's notes approved.  proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Kennedy.

Updates from District and County Councillors:

Cllr Trotter commented on planning application S21/0480 and stated that she had been in contact with the planning officer, who carried out a site visit the previous day. Cllr Trotter is aware that this is a sensitive location within a conservation area. The existing property is not in keeping with the area.

Cllr Trotter reported that she had also spoken with the Conservation architect. 

Cllr Trotter appreciates and understands concerns raised and will continue to report back to the parish council, and if Officers do approve the application, there would be a route via elected Councillors for further review.

Cllr Trotter reported that SKDC were currently awaiting comment from LCC (Lincolnshire County Council) Highways.

Cllr Neville commented that when the main sewage system was installed, there was capacity for 10 properties, since then there have been 5 or 6 properties developed.  Can the filtration plant cope? 

Cllr Trotter will raise with the planning officer.

Cllr Peace asked if the planning officer would consult with Anglian Water – Cllr Trotter was unsure to what extent.

Cllr Kennedy understood that there was a requirement of 43 meters sightline for access.

Cllr Trotter have an update on current restrictions relating to COVID - lateral flow tests are now available for everyone and can be ordered online at: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests

SKDC Big Clean 

The team need additional information about the places required.

Clerk to contact with Team.

Planning matters:

S21/0577 High Meadow, Ancaster Lane, Oasby Proposed single storey extension to front/rear and side of existing dwelling including external remodeling.   comments submitted.

S21/0473 Meliora’s Cottage, Green Lane, Aisby Proposed barn conversion with rear extension.    comments submitted.

S21/0480 Cottage Farm, Village Street, Oasby Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new dwellings and 1 replacement dwelling, together with associated garages and car plots and all associated works. Council agreed to object to this planning application and will prepare a statement for submission for ratification at the next meeting of the council. 

Proposed by Cllr Neville, seconded by Cllr Kennedy.

Clerk to prepare and submit comment and statement of objection.

Clerks Update:

i. Finance update year end 31st March 2021 

It was suggested that an additional signature on the bank account be arranged once current restrictions allow.  

ii. Finance update year 2021/22.

The closing balance of eh account at 31st March 2021 was £8,104.24.  The Clerk will prepare accounts and submit to auditor as below.

iii. Appointment of internal auditor

As agreed, the Clerk has contacted Carol Hatcliff who has agreed to internally audit the accounts

Clerk to monitor and arrange additional signature on account.

Clerk to prepare accounts and submit for audit.

Emergency legislation for Parish Councils:

The emergency legislation and powers attributed to parish council at the onset of the COVID19 pandemic, ended on 7th March 2021. The government have renewed this legislation. It is therefore not legal for parish councils to meet virtually and make decisions after that date.

The Parish council is unable to meet in person until on or after 17th May.

Parish Council work plan/diary:

The parish clerk submitted the annual workplan which was reviewed and approved.

Annual Parish Meeting – May 2021:

Due to current restrictions and legislation, (as above) we are unable to hold a virtual meeting after 7th May, and unable to hold an in-person meeting until on or after 17th May. It was therefore decided that the meeting date would be Monday 17th May at 7pm immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting – appropriate social distancing measures will be adhered to, and social distancing will be in place for all.

There will be a presentation at the Annual Parish meeting from Maisie McMahon, the Safer Together officer for the Kestevens.

We will also be launching the new parish council website with a demonstration by the Clerk.

Parish Council website 

i. updated items – Clerk reported that assorted items had been updated on the website.

ii. Launch - as above

Oasby pipeline:

No additional news to report.

Quarry traffic:

Cllr Taylor expressed concern about recent increase in quarry traffic particularly at A52/Mill Lane. It was agreed to keep Cllr Hill aware of the situation.

The parish council to request a speed survey after restrictions have been lifted on 21st June.

Clerk to notify Cllr Hill of Cllr Taylor’s concerns

Meliora Trust representative:

Norman Hatcliff has agreed to circulate the information and request to his contacts.

Water pumps:

It was agreed that as the parish council had been unable to obtain further estimates for works, that we approach Dean who has submitted an estimate and ask that he complete works on the Aisby pump.

Proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Turner.

Further discussion to take place at the next meeting regarding the pump at Oasby which required less work.

Clerk to contact Dean.

Speeding within the parish/signage:

As above

Play equipment inspection:

It was suggested and agreed that the clerk would approach Dean about repairs to play equipment.

Clerk to contact Dean.

The Council moved to closed session to discuss other matters.

Separate clerk's notes will be prepared but not published.

Date and time of next meeting:

The Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 17th May at the Heydour Village Hall.  More information will be published on the parish council website.

It was agreed that the Clerk would produce a list of meeting for 2021 and bring to the next meeting.

Clerk to prepare list of meeting dates for 2021.