May 2021 Parish Council meeting (2)


Monday 17th May 2021 At Heydour Village Hall



In attendance: Cllrs Peace, Ballaam, Taylor, Turner, Kennedy, Neville

Present: Parish Clerk, 7 members of the public



  1. Welcome and Introductions

Cllr Peace welcomed everyone to the meeting



  1. Parish Council workplan

The Parish Council workplan was reviewed and agreed.


Clerk to publish on website

  1. Clerks Report to include financial and accounts update 2020/21

The Parish Clerk gave a summary report which included the summary of the annual accounts for 2020/2021.  The closing balance of the accounts as of 31st March 2021 - showed a balance of £8104.24. 

A bank reconciliation to 31st. March 2021 takes account of uncleared cheques to 31st March 2021 means the parish council have a carry forward to next year of £8104.24  

The accounts have been examined by an internal auditor, with only minor comments received.  The Parish Clerk will implement suggestions as required. 

The accounts statement will be published on the parish council website and the required submission made to the external auditor by 30th June 2021. 


The Parish Council are required to complete the Annual Governance and Accountability Statement (AGAR) and submit papers by 30th June 2021.










Clerk to submit AGAR and publish accounts on parish council website

  1. Results of elections – May 2021

Elections were held in May 2021 and the results were as follows:

  • Cllr Martin Hill elected to LCC
  • Marc Jones elected to Police and Crime Commissioner

Cllr Peace offered the Parish Councils congratulations to both


  1. Planning Applications

S21/0480 - Description of Development: Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of 3 new dwellings & 1 replacement dwelling, together with associated garages and all associated works. Address: Cottage Farm Village Street Oasby NG32 3NB.  The Parish Council have submitted extensive comment and concerns regarding the development.  Cllr Sarah Trotter (SKDC) stated that there had been no decision as yet and will keep the parish council informed of any developments.

S21/0426 – Heydour Priory.  Listed Building Consert siught.  Replace back door.  It was accepted that the Listed Building Officers would have comment onthi9s application.  The Parish Council offered no objections or observations





  1. Financial update 2021/22

The Clerk provided an update on the financial position of the Parish Council and submitted cheques for approval as follows:




Cheques agreed.The current balance of the Parish Council account is £11,636.26




  1. Playground Maintenance Update

Cllrs continue to monitor the condition of the playground and equipment.It was accepted that there had been difficulties in obtaining anyone to carry out repairs to the equipment and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk contact Dean to get a quote for works.



Parish Clerk to contact Dean for quote for works

  1. Update from Cllr Martin Hill (LCC)

A member of the public was granted permission to raise the subject of drainage wit Cllr Hill.There was a new main drain several years ago however there is a VOID still present – Cllr Hill agreed to discuss with the member of public following the meeting.Apparently tehre is a video of investigations



  1. Oasby Tidy-up

Cllr Ballaam agreed to tidy the areas around the telephone box in Oasby.It was noted that the SKDC Big Clean are also scheduled to visit the area in the summer.

Cllr Neville agreed to send the parish clerk information regarding the cleaning of the bus shelters

It was noted that the verge appears to now be swamped by Goosegrass, this is in addition o some flowers which are bee friendly.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would seek volunteer involvement and Cllr Neville agreed to submit an appropriate wording for parish clerk to request circulation by Norman.

It was agreed that as this is a main entrance to the Parish, it was important to maintain and keep tidy the area.






Cllr Neville to discuss with Parish Clerk



Cllr Neville to forward wording

  1. Agree schedule of meetings for 2021

The Parish Clerk submitted a schedule of meetings for the remainder of the year.This was agreed by the Parish Council.Dates to be published on the Parish Council website



Clerk to publish dates on the website

  1. Future use of Village Hall for Parish Council meetings

It was agreed that the Parish Council meetings would revert to holding meetings at the Village Hall.Meetings to be held in person in odd numbered months of the year.Costs of Village Hall hire agreed and proposed by Cllr Kennedy, seconded by Cllr Taylor



Clerk to book Village Hall for meetings

  1. Clerk’s extra hours and payment

Following discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would be paid for extra hours worked in April and May 2021.This amounted to 9 extra hours to be paid at the agreed hourly rate of £11.76.

Proposed by Cllr Kennedy, seconded by Cllr Turner


  1. Clerk’s change in working hours

Cllr Peace proposed that the Parish Clerks hours be flexible and ‘up to 15 hours per month’ to allow for extra working.This was agreed by all Councillors.



  1. Meliora’s Charity representative

Cllr Peace acknowledged and thanks Mike Sparkes for representing the Parish on the Meliora’s Charity.Mike will feedback to the Parish council as necessary.


Parish Clerk to include Mike in correspondence.


  1. Any other Business:

Cllr Turner raised the subject of pot holes – Cllr Hill (LCC) stated that the County Council had received an extra £12 million to mend these but accepted that this was a constant challenge.


Fly tipping – It was acknowledged that this was the responsibility of SKDC and that they do a good job in maintaining the clearing of items.If a household is discovered to be fly tipping there will be a prosecution.


Speed limits – it was agreed that the subject of speed limits to be an Agenda item at the next meeting – in particular a request to have the limit reduced along Oasby Main Road.


Cllr Peace clarified that there was a possibility of investigations outside Hawthorne House under S19.Cllr Hill advised of the process.












Agenda item

  1. Meeting Closed 8.50pm

Next meeting will be on 20 July 2021