March 2024 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Held on the 12th March in Heydour Parish Village Hall. 

This is not a Parish Council meeting but a meeting to provide an opportunity for Parishioners to discuss Parish affairs. All residents of the villages are warmly invited to attend the meeting.

In Attendance: Cllr Peace (Chair), the Clerk, and 5 members of the public.


APM2401. Welcome & Apologies. Cllr Peace welcomed everyone to the meeting. D.Cllr had given her apologies.

APM2402. To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting - 16th May 2023. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 16th May 2023.

APM2403. Chair’s Annual Report. The Chair gave a report stating that it had been a busy year for the Parish Council. There had been several planning issues throughout the year as well as the more recent issues with flooding in both Aisby and Oasby. Cllr Hill is helping with plans on how improvements can be made to both villages and has instigated a recent ‘walk around’ with members of LCC, SKDC, and members of the Parish Council.

APM2404. The formation of an emergency plan for the Parish. The clerk gave a presentation on how an emergency plan could be rolled out within the village. 
On discussion, it was felt that it was doable and it was decided for the Chair and Clerk to get together to start the paperwork and then create a newsletter so that the villagers could be informed and create more support.

APM2405. Matters raised by parish residents. A member of the public who could not be in attendance had emailed a few questions. Recently the speed limit had been reduced on Mill Lane and they were concerned that many vehicles were not obeying it. The Parish Council had an Archer survey carried out last year but it was felt that it would be good to have another carried out with the speed reduction. The clerk will arrange for one to be carried out.

They also let it be known that they are also willing to help the village gardener by volunteering. The Parish Council knows that there are some groups that as volunteers tend to areas of the village but there is no specific village gardener. It was suggested that maybe they could help with the leaf collection in the playground.

The meeting closed at 6.55pm