May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Monday 17th May 2021 7pm. At Heydour Village Hall



In attendance: Cllrs Peace, Ballaam, Taylor, Turner, Kennedy, Neville

Present: Parish Clerk, 7 members of the public



  1. Welcome and Introductions

Cllr Peace welcomed everyone to the meeting



  1. Chairman’s Annual Report

The 12 months just gone have been dramatic and challenging.PC activities were outlined in the newsletter distributed at the start of the year.It has been a period of higher-than-normal development applications, worries over heavy rains causing flooding and of course COVID19.We are meeting in the Hall today because government has declined to extend the emergency legislation which allowed us to operate on Zoom.So, meetings will now be held in public in the Hall.PC will continue to use Zoom for informal discussion.

The work of our Clerk Wendy has been professional and I would like to record our thanks for her services.During the emergency she worked extra hours without asking for payment and I will be asking the PC to correct that later.

I would also like to thank all of our Councillors for the excellent support they have given to the arish and to me and for going the extra mile with parish problems and issues.I hope that this will continue for the next year.

We might be a small parish in a rural county, but your PC has worked to meet and sometimes go beyond its duties and responsibilities.If anyone did not get all their hopes and wishes met, I can also say that no one was ignored.


  1. Parishioners are invited to discuss parish matters and highlight any particular areas of note or concern

A member of the public raised concern about the road behind the Village Hall (Hall Lane, Aisby).It was reported that there were a number of potholes and that the road was unsafe.The road has not been resurfaced for approx. 17 years and is in need of maintenance.There was some discussion about if the road was adopted and the Clerk agreed to investigate with LCC Highways.

The matter of speeding and any deterrents was discussed and suggestions made regarding speed bumps and painting of SLOW on roads.

Cllr Peace reported that speed limits rely on Highways but that we do have some 30mph stickers left if anyone would like some.Cllr Peace requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for the July meeting of the Parish Council.


A member of the public raised concerns and disappointment about the drainage situation at the bottom of Green Lane. (Stoneycroft) This was discussed at a Parish Council meeting on 8 December 2020

Cllr Hill stated at that meeting that LCC Highways would visit.Cllr Peace suggested that this be raised directly with Cllr Hill (LCC)

It was noted that there were people on site the previous week.

Cllr Peace requested that this be on the Agenda for July Parish Council meeting.










Agenda item for July 2021








Agenda item for July 2021

  1. Guest Speaker – Maisie McMahon Safer Together Team, PCC Office

Maisie joined the meeting as the South Kesteven Safer Together Coordinator.Maisie has been in post since late in 2020 and she explained her role as a part of the Police and Crime Commissioners Office.More information about the Safter Together team can be found here

Maisie answered questions regarding the number of PCSOs in the County and reported that there were plans to recruit more.

Maisie reported that Neighborhood Watch was disbanded in 2020 but there is an App which is very useful called Next Door.In addition, it was reported that Lincs Alert – which anyone can subscribe to – has been repeat funded and that the PCSOs update this.More information about Lincs Alert can be found here.



  1. Launch of the new Heydour, Aisby and Oasby Parish Council website

The Parish Clerk, Wendy gave a demonstration of the new Parish Council website and showed many of its functions.The Parish Council are still adding historical documents to the site.If you have any suggestions for content, please contact Wendy at

The Parish website can be found here





  1. Final questions and comments

Cllr Totter – SKDC reminded all that COVID Lateral Flow Tests are now readily available.They can be ordered on line here, or you can attend in person at QE Park, Grantham.  They can also be purchase at Boots.



  1. Meeting Close