May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of The Annual Parish Meeting for the Electors of Heydour with Aisby and Oasby Parish.

Held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 6.30pm in Heydour Parish Hall

In Attendance: Cllr Peace (Chair), the Clerk and 10 members of the public, one being D. Cllr Trotter.

APM2201. Welcome & Apologies. Cllr Peace welcomed everyone to the meeting

APM2202. To approve the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on the 17th May 2021. It was Resolved to accept the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on the 17th May 2021 and for the Chair to sign.

APM2203. Chair’s Annual Report. Cllr Peace gave his Annual Report. (Copy attached below).

APM2204. Matters raised by Parish Residents – Open Forum. A member of public raised concerns regarding the speed of delivery vehicles as they enter Oasby. It was discussed as to what the Parish Council could and could not do. It was resolved for the Clerk to try and rearrange for Speed (Archer) Surveys along Mill Lane and Ancaster Lane. It had been tried to arrange surveys before Covid by the previous clerk. 

They also enquired about the placing of street names on the streets of the villages to help with deliveries. It was explained that the house numbers were given by Culverthorpe Estate several years ago and are still in use today. In today’s world the numbering may not follow an expected pattern and the village has grown. Residents are encouraged to add either ‘What 3 Words’ or directions to any orders that they place. Maps are also available in the bus shelters showing the location of the houses for that village. It was resolved for the clerk to contact SKDC to gain more information.