March 2022/ ii Agenda

Tuesday 29th March at 7.00pm in Heydour Parish Hall

Dear Councillor
I hereby give you notice the HEYDOUR WITH AISBY AND OASBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday 29th March at 7pm. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.
Clerk to the Council:   Rowena Boden    Dated: 21st March 2022

Public Forum: The Parish Council meeting will be preceded by a public forum, for which Councillors are also asked to be present, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the meeting but may not participate unless invited to do so by the Chairman.


1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Approval of Clerks Notes – Wednesday 9th March 2022

4. Planning matters: 
S22/0245 (Kennedy) - Keepers Lodge, Mere Lane, Aisby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NF
TPO Group of Ash Trees - To reduce and reshape by up to 2m and to crow lift over the road. Comments by 5th April ? Work allowed on 7th March.
S22/0587 (Richardson) - Holly House, 80 Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB
T1 - Ash - Remove smaller stem back to ground level to leave as an individual stem tree. T2 - Sycamore - Crown reduce by 1 metre. T3 - Ash - Crown reduce by 2 metres. Comments by 5th April
S22/0534 (Hazel) - 1 Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB
Increased width driveway and surface, new entrance portico, new roof to existing flat roof part, new replacement timber windows, new ground floor rear extension to dwelling. Comments by 11th April
S22/0421 (Muffitt) - Ash House, Ancaster Lane, Oasby, NG32 3NA
Proposed two storey front and side extension to include garage conversion/ detached double garage. Comments by 5th April
S21/2338 (Payne) - The Retreat, Green Lane, Aisby, NG32 3NE
Change of Use from Summer House to Holiday Let. Pending – ‘No comment’ submitted
S22/0133 (Winfield) - Byre Cottage, Oasby, NG32 3NA
Amended planning application following a refusal. Pending - Comments submitted
S22/0589 (Cardoso) - Sycamore View, Mill Lane, Oasby.
Retrospective - Erection of boundary wall, fence, pillars and gate. Comments by 14th April.
5.  Finance update financial year 2021/22
  • Cheques to be agreed and signed
Cheque number
Bank balance C/F
R. Boden (wage) Month 12
R Peace 
  • Current balance of account £7,287.46
6. Millennium Green
     a) Application for Funding
7.  Queens Jubilee 
      a) Grant Funding
      b) Community Celebrations – 5th June
8. Councillor’s Email Addresses
9.  Work Plan
     a) Report on Sycamore Tree
10. Date and time of next meeting 11th May 2022

The Council to decide if they are to move into closed session to discuss other matters