November 2024 Draft Minutes
Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 6.30pm in Heydour Parish Hall
Councillors Present: Cllrs Ballaam, Caldwell, Kennedy, Peace (Chair), Smallwood and Sylvester.
Also Present: C. Cllr Hill, D. Cllr Trotter, Parish Clerk Boden and 14 members of the public.
Chairman's Welcome and Housekeeping. Cllr Peace welcomed everyone and introduced Graham Hempsal from the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum.
To receive reports from outside bodies.
- Report from Lincolnshire Resilience Forum, regarding creating an Emergency Plan for Heydour, Aisby and Oasby villages. Graham Hempsal, from the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum, gave a presentation on the benefits of creating an Emergency Plan for the residents of Heydour, Aisby and Oasby. Cllr Peace thanked him for attending.
- Report from C. Cllr Hill. Cllr Hill reported that with over 800 Section 19 reports in Lincolnshire to investigate that all had been completed but a few reports were still outstanding and these would be hopefully completed before Christmas. These reports were the collaboration of LCC Highways, the IDB covering the area and Anglian Water.
LCC had paid for a feasibility study and jetting will take place along Green Lane in Oasby with a camera being placed down the culvert outside North Barn. The ditch situated behind the village hall will not be cleared.
The reports regarding Oasby were still outstanding and Cllr Hill had not heard back.
- Report from D. Cllr Trotter. Cllr Trotter thanked Cllr Peace and the clerk for attending a recent presentation regarding emergency plans that was jointly organised by SKDC and the LRF for the councils in her district. Also well done to the council for gaining £21,000 from the UKSPF for the playground project.
A new customer service centre has been opened in Grantham with further satellite centres in Bourne Corn Exchange and Stamford.
The Prince William Barracks has notified that the units will leave by 2028. Many of the buildings and trees are listed and they will be utilised but others will become houses. At present, this is all that is known.
- Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. Many of residents were concerned regarding the planning applications recently submitted within Oasby.
Due to other services arranged in the main hall the meeting was suspended at 7.40pm and reconvened in the bar area at 7.50pm.
Further comments were made regarding the planning and work already started by the removal of trees and hedgerows and the burning of them in the middle of the field. Residents have reported this.
A resident is concerned over the new poles being installed around the villages to provide broadband. The clerk will contact Highways to see if they are aware.
24087. To receive Declarations of Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary Interest. No declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary were received.
24088. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence. All councillors were present.
24089. To approve the clerk's notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 20th October 2024 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the clerk’s notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 20th October 2024 and for the chair to sign.
24090. Finance: 2024/25
a) To receive the clerk's report on payments between meetings.
Invoice Date |
Payee |
Amount |
Bank balance C/F £8,580.05 |
5/9/24 |
LALC (15013) |
£64.80 |
£8,515.25 |
5/9/24 |
BDG Mowing (24/1618) |
£448.80 |
£8,066.45 |
20/924 |
Playsafety Ltd (82649) |
£93.60 |
£7,972.85 |
4/10/24 |
BDG Mowing (24/1677) |
£76.80 |
£7,896.05 |
4/10/24 |
R. Boden (Month 6) |
£7,676.75 |
4/11/24 |
£50.00 |
£7,626.75 |
4/11/24 |
R. Boden (Month 7) |
£7,435.65 |
Current balance of account £27,828.97, due to grants received below.
It was resolved to accept the clerk's report on payments between meetings.
b) To confirm the Grant Money from SKDC for the Litter Picking Grant - £463.32. It was confirmed that the grant money from SKDC for the Litter Picking Grant - £463.32 had been received.
c) To confirm the Grant Money from the National Lottery - £19,930.00. It was confirmed that the grant money from the National Lottery - £19,930.00 had been received.
d) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliations.
24091. To review the spending of the Litter Picking Grant from SKDC. It was resolved that the Council add to the litter picking grant and round the total to £500. After discussion, it was resolved that the dog bin in Oasby be reinstalled and emptied by a professional company. The money will be earmarked and spent accordingly on keeping the villages clean.
24092. Clerks Report. To receive updates between meetings. The speed limit signs have arrived from CSW and Cllr Smallwood will install them on Mill Lane between the speed signs. A small quantity of wheelie bin stickers have also been purchased and are available from the clerk.
24093. To receive a report on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Cllrs Kennedy and Peace had recently attended a Zoom meeting regarding the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It was an informative session and something that the Council should be aware of but at present it will not affect the Council greatly.
24094. To confirm the new playground design and receive an update on the grant applications. Both grant applications had been approved and the Council had been awarded £40,930. The National Lottery money was in the bank and the UKSPF money from SKDC will be received shortly.
At the last Council meeting on the 20th October, the Council had resolved to work with Streetscape. The order was placed at the beginning of November and the timeframe for delivery is 6-8 weeks.
24095. Planning matters:
a) New – To discuss the planning applications received from SKDC
Planning reference |
Location |
S24/1721 (Such) |
81 Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB |
Section 211 Notice to reduce Whitebeam Tree by up to 2 metres in height and width |
Formal reply by 28th October 2024 To note Approved |
S24/1722 (Reeve) |
82 Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB |
Section 211 Notice to reduce Leylandii Tree to height of wall and to reduce Lawson Cyprus Tree by 10ft in height and trim sides to shape. |
Formal reply by 28th October 2024 To note Approved |
S24/1586 (Johnson) |
Harvest Barn, Aisby |
Non-material amendment to planning permission S24/0911 |
Approved 17th October |
S24/1791 (Skanski) |
81 Village Street, Oasby, NG32 3NB |
Proposed single storey rear extension, including demolition of existing outbuilding |
Formal reply by 20th November. To submit ‘No objections from Council’ |
S24/1822 (King & Keerman) |
Wildwood, Nightingale Lane, Aisby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NE |
Proposed demolition of existing barn and erection of a detached dwelling, hard and soft landscaping and formation of a re-wilding zone on land adjacent |
Formal reply by 19th November
It was resolved to submit no further comments |
S24/1782 (King) |
Land Adjacent To The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NA |
Erection of a dwelling with attached garage on the site of an existing double garage which is to be demolished. |
Formal reply by 25th November It was resolved to submit comments relevant to the application. |
S24/1752 (Atherton) |
1 & 2 The Archery , Green Lane, Aisby, Grantham, NG32 3NE |
Change of use of Class E land to form part of garden land for numbers 1 & 2 The Archery |
Formal reply by 19th November. This is a retrospective application as the land is already part of the gardens. |
S24/1781 (King) |
The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NA |
Proposed alterations to dwelling and erection of a detached garage |
Formal reply by 19th November It was resolved to submit comments relevant to the application. |
b) Current
S24/1291- Wildwood, Aisby- Refused
S24/1179 – Glebe Farmhouse, Oasby – Approved
S24/1242- Byre Cottage, Aisby – Approved
S24/1243 – Byre Cottage, Aisby - Approved
S24/1351 – Manor Farmhouse, Oasby – Approved
S24/1352 – Manor Farmhouse, Oasby – Approved
S24/1280- Aisby Grange, Aisby – Approved
S24/1469-The Haycroft, Oasby - Approved
24096. To review and amend the work plan as necessary. It was resolved for the clerk to contact Symbiosis regarding the inspection of the sycamores, in Lower Aisby, that is due. The Cllrs would appreciate it if the dates for the policy renewals could be added.
24097. Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 7.00pm
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).
24098. To review and note the NALC pay awards for the financial year 2024-25. It was noted that the NALC pay awards for the financial year 2024-25 was a rise of £0.63 an hour.
The meeting closed at 8.27pm