October 2024 Minutes

Thursday 24th October 2024 at 7.00pm in Heydour Parish Hall

Councillors Present: Cllrs Ballaam (Vice Chair), Caldwell, Kennedy, Peace (Chair) and Sylvester.
In attendance: Parish Clerk Boden.

Cllr Peace apologised for running late and Cllr Ballaam started the meeting. It was resolved to suspend Heydour’s Standing Orders (3q) to allow the meeting to continue.

To receive reports from outside bodies.
Report from C. Cllr Hill. Apologies received, report to be given at the November meeting.
Report from D. Cllr Trotter. Apologies received, report to be given at the November meeting.
Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. No members of the public were present.

24081. To receive Declarations of Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary Interest. No declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary were received.

24082. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies of Cllr Smallwood due to a previous engagement.

24083. To approve the clerk's notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the clerk’s notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 and for the chair to sign.

24084. To consider the co-option of a new Councillor and to witness the signature of Acceptance. It was resolved to accept the co-option of new Cllr Paul Caldwell and for the clerk to witness the signature of Acceptance.

Cllr Peace entered the meeting.

It was resolved to return to standing orders.

24085. To consider the purchase of new play equipment, after receiving grants to the sum of £40,930. The Council had received 3 quotes for installing new play equipment in the PC-owned playground. After the discussion, the Council decided to work with Streetscape. It was resolved that the clerk contact Streetscape and amend the plans slightly to take into account some of the residents’ comments on the questionnaire., enabling it to be more user-friendly.

24086. Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 12th November at 7.00pm.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm.