
Clerks notes of the Heydour with Aisby and Oasby Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 at 6.30pm.
Cllr Peace declared the meeting open at 6.30pm
There was 1 member of the public in attendance at the meeting.
Agenda Items:
1.    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Cllr Peace declared an interest in Agenda Item 9 (Unadopted road in Aisby)

2.    Apologies for Absence
No apologies had been received 

Invite public discussion on Agenda items
A member of the public raised the matter of ownership of the bus shelters and confirmed that these were owned by the Parish Council
A member of public provided information regarding the conservation area around Oasby.  A map was also provided by the Parish Clerk confirming the boundary.  The map was printed from the SKDC website on 10th September 2019

3.    Approval of Clerks Notes 8th May 2019 (circulated)
Clerks notes from meetings held on Tuesday 9th July were approved and signed by the Chair.

4.    Updates from County and District Councillors
Cllrs from Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council were not in attendance

5.    Planning matters:
a.    Tank for storage of liquid organic waste, Dembleby Farm.  It was noted that this was a retrospective application.  Councillors noted that the tank was out of sight and not near houses.  Some concern was raised regarding smell and possible leakage; however, it was also noted that the Environment Agency have asked for further information regarding this.  The Council agreed that the following would be a suitable response and the Clerk agreed to forward to LCC.  ‘The Parish Council concur with the views of the Environment Agency regarding concerns about the environmental impact’. 
b.    Ropsley and District Neighbourhood Plan – the Clerk reported that an email had been received regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.  It was agreed that the Clerk to reply stating that the Parish Council have no comment at the moment but would like to be kept informed.  Furthermore, the Council would like to be kept informed of progress and would welcome sight of the draft once prepared 

6.    Review of Asset Register
The Asset Register was reviewed following discussion at the previous meeting in July.  The Clerk had added the Telephone Box and it was suggested that in the light of the state of repair the following items be removed from the register:  14. Filing Cabinet, 17. Playground Table.  Parish Clerk agreed to amend accordingly and circulate revised register.
7.    Clerks Update, to include progress on action points
•    Finance update – Clerk updated the Councillors the current balance of the account.  Cheques were presented for approval and signature
•    Internet Banking update – Clerk requested that the current signatories completed the new authorisation form for Yorkshire Bank.  Council requested that the Clerk contact LALC regarding suggestions for the requirement of two signatories for payments and the use of internet banking.
•    Correspondence received – correspondence had been received regarding an SK Cluster meeting being held on 2nd October, Clerk agreed to attend if required.
•    Parish Clerk circulated a draft flyer for the newsletter regarding fly tipping.  Councillors added comment and Clerk to go ahead with circulation
8.    Update on telephone box
Dean was unable to attend tonight’s meeting; however, Cllr Peace gave an update:  Mr Sharpe had agreed to move the telephone box free of charge in late Sept/early Oct from its current position in Swarby to the barn for refurbishment.  Many thanks to Mr Sharpe.  Dean has agreed to remove the existing current base.  

9.    Unadopted road in Aisby
Cllr Peace confirmed that this matter was not relating to a request for financial assistance for repair of the road, Cllr Peace wanted to keep the Parish Council informed about the current situation as the Parish Council own the land either side of the road.  Cllr Peace explained that there are Covenants in place currently by several interested parties including SKDC.   
Cllr Peace agreed to check the location(s) of other unadopted roads in the parish

10.    Playground Gates
Cllr Peace explained that the gates are in a bad state of repair and recommended that maintenance be carried out to the post and gates.  Cllr Kennedy agreed to obtain an estimate for the next meeting

11.    Refurbishment of benches and bus shelters
Cllr Ballaam has tried to obtain quotes – but none had been received to date.  It was agreed to have as an Agenda item next time.  
Further discussion took place around grass cutting – particularly the verge on side of Mill Lane and potentially not safe It was suggested that the proper equipment was required to remove.  The Parish Clerk agreed to enquire about the SKDC Big Clean.  In addition, the footpath along the Beck in Oasby need cutting back. 
It was noted that there was also an overhanging of briars adjacent to a rented property in the parish.    Cllr Kennedy agreed to report via the LCC website 

12.    Date and time of next meeting
The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th November 2019 at 6.30pm.

There being no further business, Cllr Peace closed the meeting.

Wendy Moore
Parish Clerk and RFO
11th September 2019