
Clerks notes of the Heydour with Aisby and Oasby Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 6.30pm.
Cllr Ballaam declared the meeting open
There were no members of the public in attendance at the meeting.
Agenda Items:
1.    Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
No declarations were received

2.    Apologies for Absence
Apologies had been received from Cllr Peace.  The Council accepted apologies.

3.    Invite public discussion on Agenda items
No members of the public were present

4.    Approval of Clerks Notes 8th May 2019 (circulated)
Clerks notes from meetings held on Tuesday 8th May were approved and signed by the Chair.

5.    Co-option of Parish Councillor
Following the local elections in May, the Parish Council has one vacancy remaining.  Interest had been shown and discussions had with Jason Taylor.  It was proposed by Cllr Neville that Jason be Co-Opted to the Council.  The motion was seconded by Cllr Kennedy.  Parish Clerk to make contact and send relevant information.

6.    Updates from County and District Councillors
Cllrs from Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council were not in attendance

7.    Review of Asset Register
Parish Clerk had circulated the current Asset Register prior to the meeting and discussion took place about items included.  Parish Clerk agreed to check the current Insurance Policy to ensure all items were covered.  Discussion took place around the ownership of the Bus Shelters and the Clerk agreed to investigate.  It was noted that the telephone box should be added to the asset register and that this item be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting.

8.    Clerks Update, to include progress on action points
•    Finance update – Clerk updated the Councillors the current balance of the account.  Cheques were presented for approval and signature
•    Internet Banking update – Clerk requested that the current signatories completed the authorisation form for Yorkshire Bank
•    Correspondence received – notice had been received from SKDC that approval had been granted subject to conditions of application S19/0205
•    Parish Clerk read a note from Cllr Peace regarding the Box and the difficulties regarding movement and maintenance.  It was agreed that this should be an Agenda Item for the next meeting and that the Clerk invite Dean
9.    Donations for Wainfleet Flooding appeal
It was agreed that a donation be made t the Wainfleet Flood appeal of £100.

It was brought to the attention of the Council that there had been instances of fly tipping of grass cuttings around the Parish.  It was noted that this practice is not only unsightly but also unlawful.  The Parish Clerk agreed to produce a short leaflet raising awareness of the matter and suggesting correct disposal for distribution via the newsletter.

Parish Clerk was asked to discover which parts of Oasby are designated to be within the conservation area

Cllr Ballaam agreed to obtain a quote for repainting of bus shelters and also for refurbishment and oiling of the benches within the Parish

10.    Date and time of next meeting
The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 at 6.30pm.

There being no further business, Cllr Ballaam closed the meeting.

Wendy Moore
Parish Clerk and RFO
17th July 2019