January 2025 Minutes


Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 7.00 pm in Heydour Parish Hall

Councillors Present: Cllrs Ballaam, Caldwell, Kennedy, Peace (Chair) and Sylvester.

Also Present: C. Cllr Hill, D. Cllr Trotter, Parish Clerk Boden, and 8 members of the public.



Chairman's Welcome and Housekeeping


To receive reports from outside bodies.

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. A representative of Meliora’s Charity asked that the council consider allowing them to reposition the defibrillator to the Oasby telephone box if the public house is sold. Hopefully, it would not be needed but the charity is being proactive. It was established that electricity is already connected to the box, which would be needed.

A member of public raised the concern that King’s Street is being used by lorries from various HGVs. Would it be possible for a weight limit to be enforced. C Cllr Hill explained that the quarry is about to be expanded and this may be a cause of the increased volume of traffic. A weight limit can be challenged by the HGV companies but he is willing to try again.

A number of residents spoke about the recent flooding. At the fishing ponds just outside Oasby the sluice gate had now rotted out and is no longer there. It was felt that if this was reinstated then this would be beneficial for the village.

Note: The Council has been contacted by the owner of the fishing ponds and has been corrected that the sluice gate is still complete but due to the sheer quantity of water it was over-topped. The land is private property and the owner would like this to be respected.


The pipes under the road were running well but there was just too much water. Wider pipes were suggested. As the water exits the pipes and into the beck area there is a large area of pipe under concrete, that saves no purpose. This could be removed.

Report from C. Cllr Hill. The Section 19 reports have been carried out and will be placed on the LCC website, but they need redacting. Oasby is to have the drains jetted and the recommendation from Flowline is to deepen the beck by 18”. The grill will need keeping clear and somebody needs to take responsilbity to keep it clear.

In Aisby more work needs to be carried out by North Barn and the culvert. Cllr Slyvester reminded him that there is phone, internet, electricity wires, mains water and then the culvert underneath. A bigger pipe has been suggested, under the road by the new development to carry the water away.

A feasibility study is to be carried out to help identify specific problems and then work out who is responsible and who will pay for any work. All authorities, including the IDB will be part of the study.

Report from D. Cllr Trotter. Regarding the planning application for The Croft there has been an ecology report from the conservation officer and no objections to the application has been submitted to the planning officer.

The neighbour has been in communication with her and they are much more positive regarding the change of plans. The planning officer has noted that the Parish Council has not responded to the new plans. It was resolved that the Council keep the same response as last time and the clerk will communicate with Cllr Trotter over the next few days.

Lincolnshire Police have been put into enhanced level due to the number of failures. There has been a new system in the control room that may have caused many of these.  Cllr Trotter will be asking questions to the commissioner on how things will be improved but ‘hands are tied’ when it comes to funding, as this comes from Central Government and Lincolnshire is a large county.


25002. To receive Declarations of Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary Interest. No declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary were received.

25003. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence. It was resolved to accept the apologies for absence from Cllr Smallwood.

25004. To approve the clerk's notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2024 and for the chair to sign. It was resolved to approve the clerk’s notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 12th November and for the chair to sign.

25005. Website. To consider the change from the LCC website to another provider. It was resolved for the item to be deferred and for the clerk to write a report.

25006. LALC:

a) To consider the joining of LALC for financial year 25/26 for £153.54. It was resolved to join LALC for the financial year 25/26 for £153.54.

b) To consider the joining of the training scheme for financial year 25/26 at £120 +VAT. It was resolved to join the training scheme for the financial year 25/26 at £120 +VAT.

25007. Finance: 2024/25

a) To receive the clerk's report on payments between meetings.

Invoice Date



Bank balance C/F



R. Boden (Back Pay)




BDG Mowing (24/1735)




R. Boden (Month 8)




Castle Print




R. Boden (Month 9)



It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on payments between meetings.

b)To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.

c)To consider and approve the budget for the financial year 2025-26. It was resolved to approve the budget for the financial year 2025-26

d)To consider and approve the precept figure for the financial year 2025-26. Cllr Sylvester proposed in raising the precept 6%  to £7,950 and was seconded by Cllr Caldwell. It was resolved to approve the precept of £7,950 for the financial year 2025-26.


25008. Clerks Report. To receive updates between meetings.  The clerk had received a report from a member of the public regarding the trees and hedging being very overgrown between Heydour Priory and Culverthorpe Road. The Woodland at the top of Green Lane, Aisby is full of recently fallen branches and trunks. Originally there had been some confusion over the cost of the sycamore tree inspection.

25009. Jury Service. To consider if the council is to pay clerk’s wages whilst on Jury Service. It was resolved to pay the clerk’s wages whilst she is on Jury Service. Jury Service starts on the 20th January.

25010. Planning matters: 

 a) New – To discuss the planning applications received from SKDC

Planning reference




S24/1894 (Roe)

Orchard Way Mill Lane, Oasby Lincolnshire NG32 3ND

Section 211 Notice for felling, removal and stump grinding of Chestnut Tree (T1).

To ratify clerk’s response for closing date 22nd November 2024

To note Approved


Land to the East of Mere Lane, Aisby

Proposed public footpath Heydour 9/1 diversion


Formal closing date 10th December 2024

To note Highways application

S24/1781 (King)

The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NA

Proposed extensions and alterations to dwelling including raising of the roof to create a first floor and erection of a detached garage

Formal closing date 10th December 2024.

Change of plans. Council have already responded


S24/1822 - Wildwood, Nightingale Lane, Aisby – Awaiting decision

S24/1791 - 81 Village Street, Oasby– Awaiting decision

S24/1782 - Land Adjacent To The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby – Awaiting decision

S24/1781 - The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby – Awaiting decision

S24/1752 - 1 & 2 The Archery, Green Lane, Aisby - Approved

S24/1729 - Heydour Orchard, Church Lees, NG32 3NG – Approved


25011. To review and amend the work plan as necessary. At the previous meeting the clerk was asked to include review dates of policies on the work plan. She is presently doing her CiLCA and asked for the Cllrs to bear with her and she will have a specific policy document ready for the next meeting.

25012. Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 7.00 pm. Cllr Kennedy asked if the meetings could be returned to meeting on a Wednesday. It was resolved to do this. This will make the next meeting Wednesday 12th March 2025.

Meeting closed at 8.25pm