March 2025 Agenda
Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 7.00 pm in Heydour Parish Hall
Dear Councillor
I hereby give you notice the HEYDOUR WITH AISBY AND OASBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Wednesday 12th March at 7.00 pm. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend to consider and resolve upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder
Clerk to the Council: Rowena Boden Dated: 6th March 2025
Chairman's Welcome and Housekeeping
To receive reports from outside bodies.
- Report from C. Cllr Hill
- Report from D. Cllr Trotter
- Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public.
1. To receive Declarations of Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary Interest.
2. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence.
3. To approve the clerk's notes for the meeting held on Tuesday 8th January 2025 and for the chair to sign.
4. Website. To consider the change from the LCC website to another provider.(Report provided)
5. Finance: 2024/25
a) To receive the clerk's report on payments between meetings.
Invoice Date |
Payee |
Amount |
Bank balance C/F £47,982.82 |
29/1/25 |
Evander Glazing (Bus shelter – excess) |
100.00 |
£47,882.82 |
31/1/25 |
R. Boden (Month 10) |
£47,683.53 |
20/2/25 |
Evander Glazing (Bus shelter - VAT) |
58.57 |
£47,624.96 |
24/2/25 |
Symbiosis (Sycamore Tree) |
£515.00 + VAT |
£47,006.96 |
28/2/25 |
R. Boden (Month 11) |
£46,807.67 |
b) To approve the payment of £11.98 for the purchase of paper and memory stick.
c) To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations.
6. Clerk's Report. To receive updates between meetings.
7. To consider using BDG mowing contractors, along with St. Michael and the Millenium Green for the grass cutting and hedge trimming for year 2025. Grass cutting of Parish Council grass April-October £34 per cut, Hedge cutting of playground hedge £235 per cut /2 cuts per season, To strim around bus stops in Aisby and Oasby £21 per cut / as required
8.To consider accept the Policies & Procedures List and accept the following policies:
a) Abusive, Persistent and Vexatious Policy
b) General Grant Policy
c) Volunteer Policy
d) Subject Access Request (SAR)
e) Expenses Policy
9.To consider grant applications received from:
a) Heydour Parish Millennium Green Trust
b) Heydour Parish Village Hall
10.Planning matters:
a) New – To discuss the planning applications received from SKDC
Planning reference |
Location |
Remarks |
Date |
S25/0314 Heydour Parish Council |
Outside The Old Forge on the Village Green. |
Works to Sycamore (T15) to remove outer section of lowest limb and Sycamore (T16) to cut back the longer northern lateral branches. |
Remarks by the 14th March 2025 |
b) Current
S24/1781 – The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby – Awaiting Decision
S24/1782 – Land Adjacent to The Croft, Ancaster Lane, Oasby – Awaiting Decision
S25/0094 – Orchard Manor, Village Street, Oasby - Approved
S25/0040 – Orchard Way, Mill Lane, Oasby - Approved
S24/1894 – Orchard Way, Mill Lane, Oasby - Approved
S24/1822 - Wildwood, Nightingale Lane, Aisby – Approved
S24/1791 - 81 Village Street, Oasby– Approved
11. To review and amend the work plan as necessary.
12. To consider meeting dates for the next Council year – 14th May, 9th July, 10th September, 12th November 2025, 14th January, 11th March and 13th May 2026.
13. To consider the date of the Annual Parish Meeting.
14. Date and time of next meeting. Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 7.00 pm
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).
15. To consider the outcome of the clerk’s appraisal.